29 April 2013

Just Keep Truckin' Along~

Hello everyone!~  ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
First off, I have been WAAAAAYYYY too obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog music recently, and ran into a bunch of remixes via tumblr and soundcloud. Well, one particular tumblr mentioned the release of the new-ish album by the Sonic Stadium Adventure team, and I freaked OUT! I downloaded their 2011 album some time ago, but completely forgot they were releasing their 2012 stuff! Σ(゜ロ゜;)
My list of songs I am absolutely in LOVE with is... pretty large. One in particular that I literally screamed at my screen for is a piece from an artist by the name of General Offensive. To Spagonia! is a different take on a super annoying level from Sonic Unleashed (X-Box 360), where Sonic and Tails ride the X-Tornado and stop Eggman's Fleet. But the music is so good (both the original and the remix) that I was literally rolling on the floor in glee, hahaa~
If you wish to download the song, or the entire 8 hour album, check the team out here!
ヽ(`Д´)ノ (д´ノ) ヽ(   )ノ (ヽ´△) ヽ(´△`)ノ
With that said, I had one more project to finish in my Digital Tehcnologies in Business class, which was to make a 3 minute movie using Windows Movie Player. Since I already made a couple of videos for speed-drawing purposes, I created kinda a recap video to see how my art progressed (slowly, but surely man).
Nov 2011 - Mar 2013

Meanwhile, working on a strict time limit to get everything prepared for Frill in June, so there will be a lot of updating and stuff. For now...
It's FINALS WEEK. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ

Gotta juice!~

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