15 May 2013

Prep Time - Frill 2013

Heyoouuuuuu~~ ⊙ω⊙
So Frill is coming up very very soon (like, 2+ weeks soon) and I'm still in the process of getting everything ready OTL;; I just graduated (still waiting on my degree yo!) and with no job, this means no consistant flow of money coming in. I still need to prepare prints for Frill, so this is gonna be a bit of an issue. ⊙﹏⊙
However! I finished up my Sailor Lolita picture, huzzah~!!
in which water looks like amoebas in Donni's mind OTL
Then with Twitter, I took a few pictures of a new piece, although I'm not sure if I'll be finishing it in time for Frill or if I'm just gonna work on new watercolours for the occasion.
First off, I went to Michaels and finally got both a watercolour set and a multi-media sketchbook that'll take watercolour
$15 saved, aww yiiissss~!!
And I worked on another sailor lolita piece, but later on I disliked it and decided to just transfer the sketch onto a dry media sketchbook for coloured pencils again
I will conquer you one day, cray mediiiiuuuuummmm.......!!
But seriously, so much to do and so little time, so I'll leave it at that. Gotta juice! ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ

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